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Lactalis Forlasa, S.L.U.

Legal disclaimer


- Proprietor: LACTALIS FORLASA, S.L.
- Company address: Avda. De los Reyes Católicos, 135 - 02600 Albacete
- Company Tax Code (CIF): B-02005296
- Public Registry: Registro Mercantil de la Provincia de Albacete, Tomo 315, Folio 210, Hoja AB-1589, Inscripción 1ª
- Telephone and Fax: 915079697 - 915075646
- Email:


Please read this document carefully. It constitutes the Conditions of Use that regulate the access, browsing and use of the website, owned by LACTALIS FORLASA, S.L.

The access, browsing and use of the Platform/Website implies you expressly accept, without reserve, all the terms of the Legal Disclaimer herein (hereinafter, ’LEGAL DISCLAIMER’), which has the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed agreement. Any person who accesses, browses or uses the Platform/Website shall be under the obligation to observe and comply with the terms established herein.

For the purposes of interpreting the Disclaimer herein, we understand that a person will become a -User- from the moment they access our Website, with just visiting being deemed sufficient.

In principle, it is not necessary to register as a User before using the website, although it is possible that in order to use some of the services or access certain content, it will be necessary to previously register as a User in the manner described below.

The content included in our portal (publications about the diverse products, promotions and offers) are addressed to residents in Spain and are valid throughout Spanish territory.

Lastly, all users expressly and unequivocally accept the Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, as well as the different modifications and/or additional legal texts that could be included in the future by LACTALIS FORLASA, S.L. If you do not agree with the terms stated herein, do not access, browse or use the Platform/Website. Furthermore, and if you deem appropriate, you will be able to cancel the service at any moment.


The content of the website, including the texts, images, graphic design, source code, logos, trademarks, etc., is the exclusive property of LACTALIS FORLASA, S.L and the content is protected by the regulatory standards established by Intellectual and Industrial Property, therefore, it is forbidden to reproduce, modify, distribute or manipulate said content.

We are deeply committed to the protection and defence of intellectual and industrial rights. For this reason, and basing ourselves on the applicable legislation, we inform you that:
  • Under no circumstances will it be understood that we transfer any rights to users which enables them to operate with the displayed content, other than what is strictly necessary to be able to view the content.
  • We guarantee you that all the content we place at your disposition is completely original and adapted to the national legislation in force, and it is totally protected by intellectual property rights. In those cases when we are not the proprietors of the content, we possess all the rights (transferred) related to public communication, distribution and/or reproduction.
  • All the logos, trademarks and trade names displayed on the website or the platform belong to us or, if applicable, the third parties that have transferred/authorised them to be used and/or exploited.
  • Under no circumstances does the browsing of the website herein suppose the waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial cession of the intellectual or industrial rights, except when otherwise stated in writing.
  • No content hosted by the platform may be downloaded, reproduced or used in any other device or place other than our website, except when the means to do so have been enabled by us.
  • For security reasons, it is forbidden to use ‘frames’ or mechanisms that alter or vary the design, original configuration or content of the website.
  • As regards to the links or hyperlinks, it is possible we enable the access to websites belonging to independent third parties that are directly related to the advertisements displayed and reproduced via the website or platform. Due to the fact we do not own or control the websites in question, we do not assume the responsibility for the content and/or the manner in which they function.
If any one of you detects any type of content that does not comply with the current legislation or which could be damaging to users, we request you notify us as soon as possible at the following address:

Therefore, users are obliged to use the website herein, as well as its contents and services, in a diligent and proper manner, in accordance with the Law, moral, good customs and practice, public order, good faith and these General Conditions of Use, in respect to the intellectual and industrial rights that correspond to LACTALIS FORLASA, S.L.


Pursuant to what is stated by the Fundamental Law 15/1999, dated December 13, on Personal Data Protection, all personal information provided during the use of the website will be processed in accordance with what is established in the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, which all users should expressly accept before they can use and register in the system.

All users who accept the legal disclaimer herein accept they have been informed and expressly and unequivocally accept our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, thus favouring the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in respect to their personal data, enabling users to exercise their rights in the manner described in the previously mentioned Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


We are committed to ensuring the service functions correctly and in accordance with the conditions agreed with our users. However, on occasions it is possible responsibilities can derive from certain situations, caused especially by the malicious intervention of third parties.

Thus, listed below are the situations in which we do not assume the responsibility for users’ actions. It will correspond to them to assume the deriving responsibilities:
  • In the event information is published on the website or platform that has not been hosted by us, or in the event it is published by a third party that is external to the organisation.
  • In the event the website and platform is not operational due to technical reasons attributable to third parties or unexpected causes or force majeure.
  • In the event a user stores, disseminates, publishes or distributes any kind of material on the website that is defamatory, offensive, discriminatory, which gives rise to violence or goes against moral, public order, fundamental rights, public freedom, honour, privacy or the image of third parties.
  • In the event a user uses the website or platform to enter data, viruses, codes, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or any other electronic or physical instrument or device, and causes damage to other users’ systems.
  • In the event any of the contents that can be accessed via the website or platform are contrary to the regulations in force, we undertake to remove them immediately, as soon as we have received actual knowledge and have corroborated the facts. (When they are accompanied by the resolution issued by the competent authority, referred to by the provisions stated in Article 16.1 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-commerce.)


For all litigious issues, or those that concern our website or any other one which depends on it, Spanish legislation will be applied, and the competence to settle all the disputes that derive or are related to the use of the Website herein will correspond to the Courts of Law of Madrid, as long as the applicable legislation does not expressly state that the competence corresponds to the Courts of Law in another jurisdiction.

All claims related to the use of our services can be made by email or by sending a letter to the postal address that figures above.

Lactalis Forlasa, S.L.U.
Legal disclaimer   -  Privacy Policy   -  Cookies policy   -  Configure cookies